3 Tips to Improve Your Running Form


Making improvements to your running form is one of the simplest ways to become a faster runner. Here are 3 pointers to improve your form:

1.  Run with a slight forward lean of about ten degrees. Running with a forward lean, rather than running totally upright, will help you increase your stride turnover. A forward lean can also help runners avoid heel striking. Furthermore, a forward lean provides even more momentum on downhill stretches.

2.  Keep your arms relaxed. Make sure to keep your arms close to your body and swing them straight forward and back. Many runners tend to swing their arms out sideways, which reduces efficiency. Another common issue that decreases efficiency is tensing up the arms since it results in extra strain on the body. Essentially, the goal is to avoid all side-to-side body movements in order to keep your body moving forward with maximum efficiency. A free-weight exercise you can do to improve arm strength, speed, and efficiency is dumbbell arm swings

3.  Strengthen your core, hips, and gluteus medius. Strengthening these muscle groups, will help to correct any natural body imbalances you may have. Correcting body imbalances will lead to a smoother, more efficient stride while also decreasing the risk of injury. A strong core will keep your body upright and improve your breathing. Strong hips and glute med muscles will help you avoid the “egg beater” (kicking legs out side to side) and will give you the strength to continue moving in an efficient forward motion. To strengthen your hips/glute med, you can do the Myrtl Routine.

Questions/Criticisms? Feel free to leave a comment and I’ll be sure to get back to you. 

1 thought on “3 Tips to Improve Your Running Form

  • That’s interesting that strengthening things like your core could help remove any imbalance in your body. I am trying to improve my speed, and that sounds like it could help. I’ll have to try all these tips to see if they can help me improve how fast I can go.

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